When I started a blog it truly seemed like a fabulous idea. I could write things down that were on my mind, people would read it and the world would be so much better for it. As you can see, that was over a year ago.
So I have a new
BOLD idea. I am now thinking of making this a book blog. I read so much and although I rarely write a review on Goodreads or Amazon, I always give the authors stars. What I dislike about book reviews, is sometimes the reviewer just gets carried away. For example, when the reviewer gives a play by play of what happens in the book, and/or a detailed description of each character, this really annoys me. The publisher offers a synopsis of the book that gives us a basic idea of what the story is about, in order to entice us into reading the story. Why do I need to read your detailed description that lays it all out there, and then read the book? Thank you, now that you told me exactly what happens, no need to give the Author any of my money by purchasing and reading the book they spent countless hours on. You spelled it out in three paragraphs.
The second thing I dislike about book reviews is when people get downright mean. You don't have to love a book. In fact if you dislike it so much then how about you not review it at all. Give it one star and move on. I have read reviews that tear Authors to shreds, questioning their IQ and life worth. Now seriously people, who hasn't had a bad idea here and there. Once I wanted to be a singer, being off key this perhaps was not a logical plan, my family and friends very diplomatically told me this was a bad idea. I found a new dream and moved on. Just say this story wasn't for me and be done with it, online bullying is never cool!
With all of this said, if I do decide to review books I can guarantee a few things:
- I won't tell you in detail what happens in the story, I'll just give you my take on it. Did I like it? Was it well written? Do I recommend it? Basic review stuff.
- I won't be mean. I can't say with certainty that I will like every book I choose to review, but I can say I will not be a jerkface about it!
- I will try to keep it simple. Rambling is sort of my thing, so I will try to keep reviews short and to the point.
Alright, happy reading to you all.
Stay tuned!